Woman adopts a boy no one wanted to adopt: see what he looks like now

Particularly for those with disabilities who struggle to conform to societal expectations, this world has grown to be a terrible place.

These folks want for a home among the stars and wish to be accepted, but sadly, cruel looks and remarks are always made.

Rustam is a little boy with birth defects that his parents neglected to treat. He was given up for adoption, but as we all know, not many parents are ready to welcome kids like him into their homes and hearts.

Fortunately, Rustam was discovered by a woman named Nika Zlobina who was composing adoption paperwork and came across his picture and biography.  She then made it her mission to find Rustam a loving home, but she ended up adopting him along the way.

“I was preparing paperwork for an adoption and there was a database with photos of children, and I happened to see images of Rustam,” Nika explained.

This woman’s first act in favor of this exceptional boy was to open an Instagram account to display all children seeking families, including him.She also uploaded a video of Rustam dancing, which got a lot of attention. Although many people had kind things to say about Rustam, there were still some who left derogatory remarks. “Some said this ‘freak’ won’t ever be adopted. I was terrified how many people wrote negative comments, and among them were young mothers with kids,” Nika said.

The misunderstanding that adopting a kid with a disability is not the greatest option was Nika’s top priority. Nika believed that by describing Rustam’s everyday activities, his numerous grins, and the way he appeared happy when with the proper people, people would recognize the need to care for these kids.

“Everyone mostly wants blond beautiful babies to adopt, and there’s a long line for such kids; meanwhile, others suffer without parents,” Nika wrote.

Nika then decided to adopt Rustam herself at that point. She and her husband were overjoyed to have this adorable baby as a son since he exuded happiness everywhere he went.

According to Nika, other people who were contemplating adopting a kid in this way found inspiration from this adoption.

“One woman wrote that she was afraid to go out with her daughter who has Down’s Syndrome, adding that my posts give her courage; and now she does not hesitate to go for walks with her daughter,” Nika posted.

Of course, there will always be comments and looks from total strangers, but Nika and her husband make every effort to shield their son from harm and spread the message that being unique is not a negative thing. In actuality, it is the diversity that keeps this globe moving.

Today, Rustam is nine years old and is living the best life possible.

Please SHARE this beautiful story with you family and friends on Facebook.

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