Since splitting from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie has had to continue raising their six children alone, and there’s definitely been an adjustment period for the entire family.

Being in the press practically since birth, Jolie’s children have had an interesting upbringing.
But Jolie was made to be a mom, and even though she might not know how to be a homemaker, her children love her anyway.
Even before having any biological children, she wanted to be a mother to less fortunate children and help them all over the world with her charity work.
Jolie has adopted three children, along with having three biological children with Pitt, and we’ve watched all of them grow up into teenagers over the years.
But how is Jolie’s first daughter, Zahara, doing these days?
Jolie was already an experienced adoptive parent by the time she adopted Zahara. By then she’d already adopted her son Maddox in 2002.
But after seeing six-month-old, Zahara Marley, in an Ethiopian orphanage in 2005, Jolie started the adoption process again. In 2006, Pitt co-adopted her as well as her brother Maddox.
Originally Jolie thought that Zahara was an AIDS baby, meaning her biological mother had died of AIDS.
During a trip to Namibia in 2009, Jolie told journalist, Ann Curry, “[Zahara’s] mother died of Aids and so, they wouldn’t have had any funds to send her to school.”
But in 2017, Zahara’s birth mother came forward, explaining she wanted to see her daughter and support Jolie in the custody battle after her split from Pitt.
Mentewab Dawit Lebiso said she gave Zahara, born as Yemsrach, up for adoption because she was a victim of rape. There was no way of raising her because her family disowned when they found out.
“I just want her to know that I am alive and here and long to be able to speak with her. I do not want my daughter back but just to be in contact with her and be able to call her up and talk with her,” Lebiso said.
Even though Lebiso is thankful that Jolie has given her daughter a better life than she would have, she still misses her daughter every day.
“Angelina has been more of a mother to her than I have ever been. She has been with her since she was a baby, but that does not mean I do not miss her.