This is not a homeless person but a man who has hundreds of millions of dollars!

The photos quickly circulated around the world, and his large army of fans immediately came to the actor’s defense, stating that his humility is his greatest virtue and that this is his way of life.

It is well known that the actor doesn’t care about money, designer clothing, or expensive cars. It’s not uncommon to catch him sitting next to homeless individuals, sharing a meal, having a drink, and engaging in conversation with them

Moreover, the actor donated a remarkable 70% of his earnings from the first “Matrix” movie to finance leukemia research, after his sister Kim battled this devastating illness for 10 years.

Additionally, the renowned actor has since established a charitable organization to assist those fighting cancer.

  • I have a private foundation that has been in existence for five or six years now, helping several children’s hospitals and cancer research. I don’t like to attach my name to it; I just let the foundation do what it does and help those in need – he stated for Ladies Home Journal.

In the end, he is our legend, a man with the biggest heart in the world of cinema, and his legion of fans will love him no matter how he looks! We all love you, Keanu!!!

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