Category: Uncategorized

  • St. Peter’s Answer

    A young Catholic couple dies in a car crash on their way to their wedding. At the Pearly Gates, they ask St. Peter if they can get married in Heaven. St. Peter says he’ll find out and disappears. Months later, he returns, confirming they can marry. The couple then nervously asks,“What if it doesn’t work…

  • A Month Before A Heart

    In recent decades, scientists have realized that heart attack symptoms can be quite different for women than for men. The journal Circulation published the findings of a multicenter study of 515 women who’d experienced a heart attack. The most frequently reported symptoms didn’t include chest pain. Instead, women reported unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances, and anxiety.…

  • My 5 Year Old Wants to Invite The Lady Who Visits Dad

    When my daughter casually mentioned inviting someone I’d never heard of to her birthday party, I had no idea how much my life was about to change. That conversation marked the beginning of a revelation I never saw coming. My husband, Jake, and I have been together for a decade, married for seven years. He’s…

  • Four Men Are In Hospital Expecting Babies

    Four men are at the hospital because their wives are expecting babies. A nurse approaches the first man and says, “Congratulations, you’re a father of twins!” The individual responds, “That’s wild because I work for the Minnesota Twins!” The nurse tells the second guy, “Congratulations, you’re the father of triplets!” The man comments, “Wow, that’s…

  • True Stories That Made Us Say, “The World Has Real Angels in It”

    I grew up very poor. When I was 13, I was at a classmate’s house and ended up staying for dinner. My mouth watered at the sight of the golden roast on the table. As everyone began to eat, I took a bite, but her mom’s sharp gaze made me freeze. In front of everyone,…

  • Neighborhood Secrets Revealed Over a Casual Chat

    Neighborhood Secrets Revealed Over a Casual Chat A husband said to his wife. “The guys at the club said that our mailman has slept with every woman on our street except Wife replies “I bet it’s Paula.

  • I Hate My MIL After She Deliberately Infected My Baby With a Bad Disease

    Alyson, 33, has recently penned us a very emotional letter and asked us to share her story with our readers, because the woman needs as many opinions about her case as possible. Alyson’s situation is very special, because she had to experience probably the biggest shock of her life so far, and the reason for…

  • Dating Disasters Turned Comedy Gold

    Dating can be a minefield of awkward moments, unexpected mishaps, and unforgettable blunders. But sometimes, the worst dates make for the best laughs! We’ve all been there — navigating the tricky waters of romance, only to end up with a story that’s more “oops” than “aww.” From blind date mishaps to creative loyalty tests, dating…

  • A Chilling Encounter in the ICU

    My father had a heart at tack, and I rushed to the hospital at 2 a.m. They wouldn’t let me into the ICU, but hours later, a kind nurse let me see him. Months later, my father called, urging me to turn on the news. Turns out that the nurse wasn’t a nurse at all.…

  • Having Striped Nails Could Mean That Your Body Is…

    It’s possible that we’ve looked at our hands and noticed some lines on our nails. This almost always sparks curiosity and makes us wonder: Why do they appear? What can be done to make them go away? Lines on the nails can be a sign that we’re not eating as well as we should or…