Country Singer Jelly Roll, 39, Wows Fans with 100-Lb Weight Loss

The 39-year-old “Somebody Save Me” hitmaker is on a roll, improving his health while maintaining the favorite meals that fuel his performances on tour. Singer and rapper…

Once Homeless and Working as a Janitor at 15, He Became a Popular Hollywood Star

His teenage years were spent moving from campgrounds to his sister’s lawn, even working nights as a janitor to help his family get by. Yet, amid the…

My Fou,r Kids Obje,cted at My We,dding – Wh,en I Fou,nd Out W,hy, My He,art Sank

Margaret has found love again ten years after her first husband’s passing. But it seems like her problems are far from over. When the officiant at her…

This Girl Slept in the Underground Yet Became a Famous Actress Who, at 90, Is Happy with Her Younger Husband

This celebrity grew up during the period of war. However, she could barely recall what transpired that led to the war because she was still too young….

Woman Lo,ses Husb,and in Pla,ne Crash, Ye,ars La,ter M,eets Hi,m and His M,other by Coinci,dence in a Sto,re – St,ory of the Day

Hailey goes on vacation, looking for a calm break from her past problems. At a grocery store, she runs into a man who looks exactly like her…

Grandma Thoug,ht Kids Were Takin,g Her to Nurs,ing H,ome, but When She Wo,ke Up, She We,nt Pale & Scre,amed, ‘Family, I’m Still Alive!’

Evelyn had sacrificed everything for her children, raising them alone after her husband’s death. But when they took her to a cemetery instead of a shelter, a…

I L,eft ,My Son with My New Hus,band for a Work Trip – My Bo,y’s A,udio Mes,sage ,Made Me Rush Home Immediately

I thought everything was fine at home while I was away on a work trip until a message from my 10-year-old son shattered that belief. In just…

Nu,rse Gi,ves Wom,an the Wr,ong Baby, Then Ne,w Mot,her Tu,rns Pa,le — Stor,y of the Day

The nurse examined Lucy’s twins before discharge, but Lucy was shocked when she returned them. The nurse had brought two baby girls after the examination, and Lucy…

Co,uple Ado,pts a 6-year-old Bo,y, Find,s Him Nursing a Str,ange Ba,by in His ,Room the Nex,t Day – Story of the Day

Ray raised an eyebrow at Colleen preparing boxed mac and cheese. “You’re making mac and cheese from a box?” “It’s for Ben. He’s been so quiet,” Colleen…

I Fou,nd Out ,My Son’s Nanny, Was S,ecretly T,aking Him to an Aban,doned Bas,ement Eve,ry Day — What I Dis,covered There Made Me Go Pale

When my son started acting distant and exhausted, I knew something wasn’t right. After following him and our nanny to a hidden basement, I braced myself for…